Welcome to my website! I am Sotiris, Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Toronto working with Prof. Kyros Kutulakos. My current research focuses on imaging and 3D reconstruction under low light conditions.
Prior to UofT, I obtained my PhD from UCL under the supervision of Prof. Christos Bergeles. During my PhD, I conducted research on structure from motion with light fields. Centuries ago, I worked on state estimation for legged robots under the supervision of Prof. Evangelos Papadopoulos.
I'm interested in computer vision, computational photography and neural fields. My current research revolves around photon cameras, a cutting-edge technology capable of detecting the tiniest unit of light - the photon. I'm excited about coming up with new ways to process signals from photon cameras, so we can see the world in never-before-seen ways.
We introduce a novel theory and method that passively captures a dynamic scene once and allows re-rendering of video across 9+ orders of magnitude in time.